Los investigadores, estudiosos e interesados por el arte en Benavente ya cuentan con uno de los diccionarios más prestigiosos del mundo: The Dictionary of Art (Grove) de Jane Turner, editado en 34 volúmenes por Oxford University Press. Adquisición que han realizado conjuntamente el CEB Ledo del Pozo y la Biblioteca Municipal de Benavente.
Se trata de una obra escrita en inglés (no creemos que esta circunstancia suponga un obstáculo insalvable para los usuarios).
Se añade la descripción que ofrece Oxford University Press en su página web:
«Winner of the 1997 Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing
DescriptionThe Dictionary of Art is the only comprehensive source of information on all aspects of the visual arts of every civilization from prehistory to the 1990s. Within its 34 volumes you will find 41,000 articles, 500,000 bibliographic citations, and 15,000 illustrations. Since the first sets of the Dictionary were published, it became immediately clear that having additional copies of the Index would be of great value. In response to numerous requests, the Index is now available for separate purchase. An award-winning volume in its own right, the Index is remarkably thorough and can help you find instantly the subject you seek.At 1,075 pages, the Index is the largest of any volume in The Dictionary of Art and contains more than 750,000 entries, covering every subject explored in the Dictionary . «
DescriptionThe Dictionary of Art is the only comprehensive source of information on all aspects of the visual arts of every civilization from prehistory to the 1990s. Within its 34 volumes you will find 41,000 articles, 500,000 bibliographic citations, and 15,000 illustrations. Since the first sets of the Dictionary were published, it became immediately clear that having additional copies of the Index would be of great value. In response to numerous requests, the Index is now available for separate purchase. An award-winning volume in its own right, the Index is remarkably thorough and can help you find instantly the subject you seek.At 1,075 pages, the Index is the largest of any volume in The Dictionary of Art and contains more than 750,000 entries, covering every subject explored in the Dictionary . «
(Luis Carlos N.)